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Follow The Drovers’ Way

Drive, walk or cycle. Discover Carmathenshire the Drovers' way.
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Discover Carmarthenshire has developed The Wild Drovers’ Way scenic touring route for visitors looking for slow travel options in the UK, and to uncover the hidden gems of south west Wales whilst exploring off the beaten track Carmarthenshire using the winding roads once used by the drovers.

Drive it over a long weekend or take even longer as you explore this circular route of 180 miles around the county. Or, you could just take one section and explore in more depth from your base. The guide is flexible to help visitors find their own way.
Discover Carmarthenshire really hope to establish The Wild Drovers’ Way as one of Wales’s most exciting new driving routes.

Want to know more?
Visit their website for more information. Just search Discover Carmarthenshire in Google.

Where do you walk?
We’d love to hear about your favourite places in Carmarthnshire, Pembrokeshire and south Powys.

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